1. A transformer that converts high values of current into low values is called a current transformer, while a transformer that converts high values of voltage into low values is called a voltage transformer.
2. The current transformer has no other name. On the other hand, voltage transformers are also known as voltage transmitters.
3. The current transformer is connected to the circuit in series. On the contrary, voltage transformers are connected in parallel with the circuit.
4. The primary circuit turns of current transformers are very few. On the other hand, the primary circuit of voltage transformers has a higher number of turns.
5. Current transformers have more turns in the secondary circuit, while voltage transformers have fewer turns in the secondary circuit.
6. The primary winding of the current transformer transmits the current to be measured. On the other hand, the primary winding of a voltage transformer transmits the voltage to be measured.
7. The secondary winding of the current transformer is connected to the current winding of the instrument, while the secondary winding of the voltage transformer is connected to the instrument or instrument.
8. The range of the current transformer is 5A or 1A. On the other hand, the range of voltage transformers is 100V.
9. Current transformers have high conversion ratios, while voltage transformers have low conversion ratios.
10. The current transformer has a constant current at its input terminal. On the other hand, the input of a voltage transformer is a constant voltage.
11. Current transformers are independent of secondary loads. On the contrary, voltage transformers depend on the secondary load.
12. The current transformer adopts low impedance. On the other hand, voltage transformers have high impedance.
13. In current transformers, magnetic flux density and excitation current vary over a wide range, while in voltage transformers, magnetic flux density and excitation current vary within a narrow range.
14. There are two types of current transformers: closed core and wound core. On the other hand, there are also two types of voltage transformers: electromagnetic and capacitive voltage.
15. By using a current transformer, a 5-ampere ammeter can be used to measure large currents such as 200 amperes. On the other hand, with the help of voltage transformers, a 120V voltmeter can be used to measure high potentials or voltages such as 11kV.
16. A current transformer is a step-up transformer, while a voltage transformer is a step-down transformer.
17. Current transformers are used to calculate current and power, operate protective relays, and monitor grid operation, while voltage transformers are used for measurement, as power sources, and operate protective relays.
The above is an introduction to current transformers and voltage transformers.
Weshine Electric Manufacturing Co., Ltd.